

FullBurner LLC was founded in Baltimore Maryland in 1999 to provide technology development to large and small businesses within the Baltimore-DC area. FullBurner’s founders spent years as in-house developers for major Washington DC area content and service providers. They were often confronted with the results of 3rd party developers and designers, with a design, web site or application that either did not work as promised or were poorly integrated with an existing site or technology. The founders of FullBurner knew the difficulties of dealing with poorly planned outsourced projects.

Starting out with offices in the Mount Vernon area of Baltimore Maryland, FullBurner secured key clients including Time-Life/AOL, PGI (Production Graphics International) and FCW (Federal Computer Week), an IDG publication. Over the years we have migrated from providing solely technology services and consultation to development of mobile apps and games. 


Phone: 410-276-5888

[email protected]